2000 4.R Granulator

The pictures are only for illustrationBase width: 1120mm x Height: 1500mm x Length: 1800mm
Engines = 15 hp + 20 hp (S/ desenho do formato do equipamento)
Electric panel: Complete with or without P.L.C.
Refrigeration = Unnecessary to the process.
Average production= from 4000 to 5000 Kg/h
Weight = 2500 Kg


Address: Street Professora Maria Rosa D´elboux Bortoloti, 750 - Neighborhood São Luiz – Itu/SP – ZIP Code: 13304-160 - SP - Brasil
Phone: +55 (11) 4023-1916/1941 - Simile: +55 (11) 4023-1728
Fórmula Pop